I have been doing further work on the chromeos-apk system for running an Android program within the Chrome browser. It appears to be working well enough and is getting better all the time so at this point that is my focus for making the desktop portions of LambTracker.
So far the first function I am working on is setting and removing Alerts. I have the setting of them down but removing them is proving more difficult.
The biggest issue seems to be Android’s way of handling listviews and trying to use list adapters to manage the data.
My request if for additional programmers. At the Livestock Conservancy meeting I got many ideas and suggestions for enhancements. Since I am really the only programmer working on this it is necessarily slow going.
The development tools are all freely available and you can do development on Macintosh, Linux or Windows systems. All the code is up on GitHub so you can see where I am.
So I’m asking for any readers who are programmers or who have friends or relatives who are programmers who want to help make freely available flock management software more robust please join in. Go fork the repository and get started. I’m always available to help explain my thoughts and also send out info on specific requests that have been made.